Monday, September 30, 2019

Poetry Essay

The poem described the speaker’s longing and hope for her happiness in life. As she raises everyday, she depicts life at its best to fulfill her joy and contentment even if she is alone. The four stanza poem discussed the character’s identity and idea towards joy and contentment in life. The speaker wants to convey to her readers that whatever circumstances they may have; it is a great start to thank God for a new day of life. The first stanza discussed the emotions of the speaker as she faces the new day. The second stanza discussed how she thanked her creator for the new beginning of challenges and happiness. The third stanza discussed how the speaker prayed for the people around her whether they are in the same race or not. The last stanza described how the earth is filled with gladness if equality and justice exist. The speaker described her prayer through this poem. It is a selfless desire to transform the earth into salvation and peace despite of all the injustices and social inequality. On the other way around, the title also described the wholeness of the poem. It serves as the identity and apparent illusion of the poem. The title of this poem showed the main idea of the poem as it reveals the attack of the poet. In conclusion to this, it can be said that the poem is too short to read and understand. The poem has simple thoughts to convey to its readers. The attack of the poet showed how prayer becomes powerful despite of all the troubles and fears of the society.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

“The Fall of the House of Usher” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”: A Comparison Introduction

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† has received wide praise for its accurate depiction of madness and the symptoms attributed to mental breakdowns (Shumaker 1985). While these symptoms may seem obvious from today’s psychological perspective, Gilman was writing at the close of the 19th century when the discipline of psychology was still emerging out of a rudimentary psychiatric approach to treating the mentally ill.Though doctors have attempted to write about the treatment of insanity since ancient Greece, the history of madness has most often been characterized by a series of popular images, images that may have stunted the development of a medical model of mental illness: as a wild irrationality, an imaginative and corrupt gothic horror, a violent cruelty that must be confined in asylums, and lastly as a mere nervous disorder.The critic Annette Kolodny suggests that contemporary readers of Gilman’s story most likely learned how to foll ow her fictional representation of mental breakdown by reading the earlier stories of Edgar Allen Poe (Shumaker 1985), and indeed we can locate these strata of historical representations in both â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† and Poe’s â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher.†But where Poe’s depictions seem to confirm negative – and thus not therapeutically useful – stereotypes of madness, Gilman tempers her representations through the emerging psychological model, which allowed her to articulate a new image anticipating the 20th century hope of curing mental diseases through psychological expression. Background Gilman’s story depicts the mental collapse of a late 19th century housewife undergoing the Rest Cure, who grows increasingly obsessed with a disturbing wallpaper pattern.It has been suggested that contemporary readers would have read the story as either a Poe-like study of madness, yet most modern critics focus on a feminist reading in which the wallpaper intentionally represents the â€Å"oppressive patriarchal social system† (Thrailkill 2002). Jane Thrailkill, in her essay about the psychological implications of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† argues that this feminist reading may actually block the work done by the story to shift 19th century medical conventions surrounding mental illness (Thrailkill 2002).Gilman stated that everything she wrote was for a purpose beyond mere literary entertainment, and that â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† was written in order to highlight the dangers of certain medical practices, particularly to convince Weir Mitchell to change the method of his Rest Cure for nervous ailments (which Gilman herself had unsuccessfully undergone) (Shumaker 1985, Thrailkill 2002).In Gilman’s words, the story was, â€Å"†¦intended†¦ to save people from going crazy, and it worked† (Thrailkill 2002). Like Gilman, Poe may also have suffered from mental illness, but following the concerns of his historical moment, Poe seems to have been more interested in the construction of aesthetic effects instead of how those effects might change social and scientific perspectives.The only mention of a cure in Poe’s tale is the â€Å"vague hope† that reading a book will relieve excitement (Poe 2003). Nonetheless, Gilman’s methods of representing madness clearly derive from Poe; they both use an â€Å"inspired manic voice,† unnamed narrators, nervous characters with no diagnosable illness, a rebellious foregrounding of the imagination, and a haunting mood with rational design that has been considered Poe’s signature style (Davison 2004).Published sixty years earlier, Poe’s â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† in particular seems to anticipate â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† in its manor setting and mad characterizations, and thus can serve as an opening point from which to trace the 19th century trans itions in cultural and scientific representations of madness that culminate in Gilman’s tale. Analysis In â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,† an unnamed narrator, visiting his old friend Roderick Usher, attempts to describe Roderick’s madness through both external and internal signs of irrationality.Most immediately, Roderick’s hair is described as â€Å"wild† and of â€Å"Arabesque expression,† which the narrator is unable to connect â€Å"with any simple idea of humanity† (Poe 2003). Similarly, Roderick’s manner strikes the narrator with â€Å"an incoherence – an inconsistency,† and his voice is compared to that of â€Å"the lost drunkard, or the irreclaimable eater of opium† (Poe 2003), all of which mark his social difference as not understandable.After the entombment of his sister, Roderick’s external madness intensifies: he roams with â€Å"unequal, and objectless step,† has a â€Å"m ore ghastly hue† of face, a â€Å"species of mad hilarity in his eyes,† a â€Å"restrained hysteria in his whole demeanor,† and speaks in a â€Å"gibbering murmur† (Poe 2003). But all of these are, as the narrator puts it, â€Å"the mere inexplicable vagaries of madness† (Poe 2003). When it comes to representing the internal process of mental breakdown, Poe (at least in this story) still only describes Roderick’s irrationality from an external and stereotypical position.Roderick describes his condition as a â€Å"deplorable folly† that will force him to â€Å"abandon life and reason,† he is â€Å"enchained by certain superstitious impressions,† and suffers from â€Å"melancholy† and â€Å"hypochondria† (two terms associated with earlier misunderstandings of madness) (Poe 2003). The only time we see the irrational thought process represented is in Roderick’s monologue about entombing his sister alive, which uses dashes, italics, and capitalization to indicate a nervous desperation, as in Poe’s â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†.In contrast, Gilman drops almost all of these external and stereotypical descriptions of madness in her story, focusing instead on a faithful rendition of irrational thought processes, in particular the narrator’s growing obsession with the yellow wallpaper. Early in the story, the narrator declares that she’s fond of her room, â€Å"all but that horrid wallpaper,† but within a few pages this statement is turned around; the narrator becomes fond of the room â€Å"perhaps because of the wallpaper.It dwells in my mind so† (236). The wallpaper gradually takes over the narrator’s thought process, breaking into other observations without transition, as when the narrator looks out her window and sees â€Å"a lovely country, full of great elms and velvet meadows. This wallpaper has a kind of sub-pattern†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (235 ). Eventually she â€Å"follows that pattern about by the hour† until there are few passages in the text that are not about the wallpaper (238).As her obsession grows, the narrator becomes paranoid that her husband and stepsister are â€Å"secretly effected by it,† and she’s thus â€Å"determined that nobody shall find [the pattern] out but myself† (239). Despite her original loathing of the wallpaper pattern, by the end of the story the narrator’s obsession is so consuming that she claims, â€Å"I don’t want to leave until I have found it out† (240). Instead of being directly told that the narrator is enchained by her impressions like Roderick Usher, we are more realistically shown those irrational impressions at work in the  mind.Another method for representing irrationality is to cast it against a more rational perspective, which both these stories do. Poe’s narrator, for instance, claims to rationally explain away the oth erwise inexplicable events of â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† while documenting Roderick’s breakdown (Gruesser 2004). The house’s peculiar atmosphere â€Å"must have been a dream;† his nervousness is â€Å"due to the bewildering influence of the gloomy furniture;† the storm is â€Å"merely an electrical phenomena† (Poe 2003).And yet the uncertainty of events displayed in this narrative unreliability suggests that the narrator might himself be going mad. After describing Roderick’s wild appearance, the narrator says, â€Å"it was no wonder that his condition terrified – that it effected me,† and begins to feel â€Å"the wild influences of [Roderick’s] own fantastic yet impressive superstitions† (Poe 2003). This inability to rely on his own perceptions causes the narrator to flee aghast when the house collapses, where a more rational or unaffected person might first summon the servants or police (Gruess er 2004).According to John Gruesser, the challenge in Poe’s use of unreliability is that he sets reason in opposition to the supernatural, straddling the Gothic/Fantastic genre where supernatural events are more likely than their rational explanations. This supernatural possibility seems to lessen the question of whether madmen are always delusional or can speak the truth, which becomes central for Gilman’s story. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† also uses a rational perspective in the character of her husband and physician John, who is â€Å"practical in the extreme.He has no patience with faith, an intense horror of superstition† (235). Not only does John explain away the unsettling nature of the house as a draught, but he also attempts to explain away the narrator’s mental illness, calling it â€Å"a temporary nervous depression – a slight hysterical tendency† (234). As we will see, this explanation of madness as merely nerves will beco me a large concern for 19th century discussions on mental illness, and as such comes off as far more scientifically realistic than explaining madness through the supernatural.Gilman also has her narrator attempt to rationalize her own madness, beginning the story with her claim of being â€Å"ordinary people,† and continuing this attempt to rationalize even through her mental deterioration: â€Å"it is getting to be a great effort for me to think straight. Just this nervous weakness I suppose† (238). While this use of unreliable explanations is similar to Poe’s, it reads as more realistic because Gilman frames her story in a way that denies the Gothic discourse of supernatural explanations.Despite its eventual medical ineffectuality, the label of â€Å"nerves† is one of the clearest literary representations of madness attempting to explain or deny its mental character. â€Å"True! – nervous – very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; † claims the narrator of Poe’s â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† â€Å"but why will you say that I am mad? † (Poe 2003). The Usher family madness in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is likewise coded; Roderick attempts to pass off their â€Å"constitutional and†¦ family evil† as a â€Å"mere nervous affection† (Poe 2003).He has an excessive â€Å"nervous agitation†¦ and acute bodily illness,† and â€Å"a morbid acuteness of the senses† that makes most food, garments, odors, light, and sounds intolerable (Poe 2003). Madeline is diagnosed with a â€Å"settled apathy, a gradual wasting away,† because whatever is actually wrong with her â€Å"long baffled the skill of her physicians† (Poe 2003). Whether or not these characters are actually mad, one gets the feeling that the word â€Å"nerves† is used by Poe to explain or make legible the Usher family condition for the mid-19th century reader, ind icating that it may be a biological rather than moral or supernatural disorder.The narrator in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† also articulates her condition as nervousness, but within the late-19th century occlusion of madness as merely nerves, this term seems to indicate less an explanation as much as an excuse or denial of any deeper mental problem. As the narrator says in what is easily read as a flippant tone, â€Å"I never used to be so sensitive, I think it is due to this nervous condition,† and â€Å"of course it is only nervousness† that causes her actions to require a greater effort (235).Though her husband has told the narrator that her nervous case is not serious, she expresses a new dissatisfaction with this diagnoses; â€Å"these nervous troubles are dreadfully depressing† (236). This almost ironic but clearly critical representation of nervous disorders marks a break from Poe’s story, but even more importantly indicates the struggle Gilm an went through in her own life against the American medical industry’s changing view of mental illnesses.Though â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† was written to specifically address the Rest Cure, as Thrailkill suggests, the story helped shift the medical paradigm from looking at the patient’s body to listening to their words (Thrailkill 2003). The story is permeated with this desire to talk beyond the traditional psychiatric model: not only is the narrator forbidden to write, but her physician husband only sees her physical improvements of â€Å"flesh and color,† paternally dismissing any of her objections (240).To write, however, is the one thing the narrator consistently feels would make her well; it is a relief to â€Å"say what I feel and think†. Thrailkill offers a reading that Gilman’s narrator at first emulates Mitchell’s physiological approach in looking at the wallpaper, which then shifts to the articulation of a narrative surrou nding the woman in the paper, essentially equating the narrator to a medical text (Thrailkill 2003).We do not need to stretch so far however, as the story is already framed as a diary or journal, that is, it claims to be the expression of a person’s actual experience. Though the narrator has difficulty writing, she continues to write, honestly detailing the thoughts, feelings, and visions attending her mental breakdown in a manner that anticipates the 20th century psychological recognition that madness contains a truthful lucidity (Davison 2004).A mentally unstable person’s journal thus represents exactly the kind of â€Å"irrelevant story† that can cure, and which any sympathetic reader can understand as a valid psychological experience of someone who is no longer seen as socially other or â€Å"mad, bad, and dangerous. † Consequently, while Poe’s â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† comes off as simply an entertaining story about some ste reotypical madmen, Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is ultimately a psychologically real portrayal of the subjective experience of someone going mad.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Artificial Intelligence System

Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasizes in creating intelligent machines that behave and react like human being. The technology has become an important part of today’s industry. Research related with artificial intelligence is highly technical and specialized. Computers are designed with artificial intelligence in order to provide services like research, learning, planning and problem solving etc. (Hoffart et al., 2013). The main aim of AI is to understand the principle that helps in making the behavior intelligent through natural or artificial systems. This is possible through Natural and artificial agent analysis, Hypothesis that helps in constructing intelligent agents and through Computational systems. The researcher had used highly technical and specialized data in order to discuss the topic. Literature survey, applications of artificial intelligence, its future trends have been discussed in this report by the researcher According to Nilsson (2014), AI systems are used by engineers in order solve a large range of intractable problems. The level of AI increases with the level of competency in order to deal with difficult and with even more dangerous tasks which are done by humans in the form of artificial intelligence. The main advantage of the technology is that they are real time automated system but they support various types of techniques and methodologies including control theory. Whenever new and undiscovered lands like planets are explored, AI systems can be used because they work like a machine which does not have emotions. The main architecture, techniques, algorithm that is used for distributed AI systems includes control and decision support system. Figure 1: Artificial Intelligence for Gaming (Source: Millington & Funge, 2016, 527) On the other hand Millington and Funge (2016) discussed that there is no doubt that the technology can perform the entire task in a better way than humans, but the use of AI systems can cause harm. With the use of AI systems, unemployment is increasing at a faster rate. People are becoming jobless and as a result the technology has become the cause of mental illness and obesity for many human beings. The technology can cause massive destruction if it is used by wrong hands. As stated by Nastase and Strube (2013), AI machines can be able to do everything that is essentially required. One most important advantage of using artificial intelligence is that they do fewer mistakes as compared to human beings. They can act as 24/7 for children’s who are actually suffering from disabilities. Artificial intelligence helps in learning and teaching. It can be used as a fire alarming system in order to avoid crime. Figure 2: Type of Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence) (Source: Nastase & Strube, 2013, pp- 81) On the other hand Millington and Funge (2016) stated that the organizations are fully dependent on AI systems. As a result if any problem occurs in the system then the system will create a huge problem as there is no backup technology in store of the organization, which they can use in need. The machine lacks the feeling of togetherness and sympathy, as they are a form of machine which works as human beings but they are actually not humans. There are many application of artificial intelligence. The applications are: An AI technique is used in natural language understanding:   The AI technology is used in image processing. The main aim of image processing is to identify the relation between different parts of an image. This is done by attaching a camera to a computer, so a computer can easily access visual images (Milne & Witten, 2013). This facility is given to the computers so that they can easily access and understand their surroundings. An AI technique is used in Network Intrusion Detection: Intrusion Detection System (IDS) technology uses various types of Artificial Intelligence technique in order to protect the computer and communication system from intrude (Nilsson, 2014). The system mainly helps in monitoring the events that mainly occurs in network and it also helps in designing and detecting the signs of intrusion. An AI technique is used in medical area: AI systems have the potential to be applied in any field of medical science. It is used in medical area as: An AI technique is used in Accounting Database: The problem in accounting database can be mitigated by using artificial technology. The main problem that is with accounting database is that humans cannot understand the process of computerized database. Integrating AI systems with the databases helps in assisting in investigation. The investigation includes large volumes data with or without the help of any decision maker (Hoffart et al., 2013). Thus, the system helps in analyzing and assisting the data for the users understanding and interpretation. By using artificial intelligence, information can be stored and retrieved in natural language. There are various techniques that are present in the system for assisting broader understanding of the events that are captured by the accounting systems (Hovy et al. 2013). The AI technology and the expert system works together helps in building the intelligence into the database for assisting the users. An AI technique is used in the Computer Games: A Computer game generally uses three dimensional games and complex worlds (Nastase & Strube (2013). When AI technology is put together with graphics rendering, then an expected worthwhile computer games can be produced. AI technology is one of the main parts of computer games. With the use of artificial intelligence computer games have became interesting (Charniak et al., 2014).   The AI system is mainly used in order to solve some of the problems that are related with computer games. Unit movement, analysis of the situation, learning, spatial reasoning, coordination with the group, allocation of resource and target selection are some of the units were AI mainly contributes. An AI technique is used in Natural language Understanding: AI technology is used for understanding different natural languages. In this system an effective programming is used in the computer. The program sets commands and accordingly the system works (Hoffart et al., 2013).   The main aim of the system is to enable people and language rather doing the same with the help of a programming language. An AI technique is used in Aviation: The technology is used in aviation in order to collect data from different flights. The technology uses programs for collecting and distributing information (Milne & Witten, 2013). The main aim of the system is to measure the performance of the system which is a type of fault analysis. In the next 10 years, AI will be able to communicate with human being in unstructured English which can be a text or voice. The other future trends of AI include: Information processing will be parallel: The system is aided with the help of chips custom for designing AI application in order to process large amount of data (Millington & Funge, 2016) Smarter gets redefined: This occurs with the advances in sensor, cloud and learning technology (Baarslag et al., 2013). Deep Learning: It includes processing of data that are raw. The raw data includes pictures, speech, natural language etc. It is concluded from the report that with the help of the artificial intelligence, information can be stored and retrieved. It is discussed that the different set of techniques that are present in the system for assisting broader understanding of the events. With the use of artificial intelligence computer games have became interesting. The analyzer concludes that the AI system is mainly used in order to solve some of the problems that are related with computer games.   In IDS technology uses various types of Artificial Intelligence technique for protecting the computer and communication system from intrusion. The system mainly helps in monitoring the events that mainly occurs in network and it also helps in designing and detecting the signs of intrusion. Baarslag, T., Fujita, K., Gerding, E. H., Hindriks, K., Ito, T., Jennings, N. R., ... & Williams, C. R. (2013). Evaluating practical negotiating agents: Results and analysis of the 2011 international competition.  Artificial Intelligence,  198, 73-103. Charniak, E., Riesbeck, C. K., McDermott, D. V., & Meehan, J. R. (2014).Artificial intelligence programming. Psychology Press Hoffart, J., Suchanek, F. M., Berberich, K., & Weikum, G. (2013). YAGO2: A spatially and temporally enhanced knowledge base from Wikipedia.  Artificial Intelligence,  194, 28-61. Hoffart, J., Suchanek, F. M., Berberich, K., & Weikum, G. (2013). YAGO2: A spatially and temporally enhanced knowledge base from Wikipedia.  Artificial Intelligence,  194, 28-61. Hovy, E., Navigli, R., & Ponzetto, S. P. (2013). Collaboratively built semi-structured content and Artificial Intelligence: The story so far.  Artificial Intelligence,  194, 2-27. Michalski, R. S., Carbonell, J. G., & Mitchell, T. M. (Eds.). (2013).  Machine learning: An artificial intelligence approach. Springer Science & Business Media. Millington, I., & Funge, J. (2016).  Artificial intelligence for games. CRC Press. Millington, I., & Funge, J. (2016).  Artificial intelligence for games. CRC Press. Milne, D., & Witten, I. H. (2013). An open-source toolkit for mining Wikipedia.Artificial Intelligence,  194, 222-239. Nastase, V., & Strube, M. (2013). Transforming Wikipedia into a large scale multilingual concept network.  Artificial Intelligence,  194, 62-85. Nilsson, N. J. (2014).  Principles of artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann

Friday, September 27, 2019

Criminal treatment Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Criminal treatment - Annotated Bibliography Example Considered the factors of age, sexuality and gender in the examination of crime, in conjunction with the issue being examined in the traditional class-based approach. The authors discussed topics ranging from criminology and the study of class, race, gender; victimology and the patterns of victimization; and criminal prosecution, among others. The book is comprehensive and relevant given the most recent information contained with the authors being professors of criminology and sociology. The contents and information in the book is highly relevant in the current research and are intended for various audiences ranging from students, practioners, researches and lawmakers, as deemed necessary. Byrne, James M and Faye S. Taxman. "Crime Control Strategies and Community Change – Reframing the Surveillance vs. Treatment Debate." Federal Probation (2006): Volume 70, Number 1, 3 - 12. Examined and discussed David Farabee’s contention that argued the ‘liberal’ treatment offender strategies in terms of their ability treat offenders by proposing an alternative offender change strategy. The authors, Byrne and Taxman, are both professors in the fields of criminal justice, and government and public policy, respectively; with the article being written fairly currently in perspective, thereby increasing the credibility and validity of the discourse. The intended audiences for the article are students and practitioners of criminal justice, who would benefit from the recommended change strategy encompassing both institution-based and community

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Technology in Correctional Facilities Term Paper

Technology in Correctional Facilities - Term Paper Example Technological prisons are designed in a manner in which violators or the offenders within the prisons are as well taken care of in terms of their behavioral checks and controls. It is obvious that the inmates would always resort to certain acts that would jeopardize the general security of both the fellow inmates and the correctional facilities (Vargas et al., 2011). The technology is then instituted in several broader paradigms to minimize injuries or other physical punishments. These actions limit the occurrence such violations thereby maximizing the overall security of both the inmates well as facilitating put that assist in the administration of the prisons (Stahl, 2006). To start with, the technology tends to offer a series of strategies that deal with social engineering. These among others include the removal of the violators’ targets within the prisons, which minimizes the opportunity for the inmates finding avenues to commit a crime. Secondly is making the violatorâ₠¬â„¢s target valueless. For instance, it aims at making the target of the intended offense quite unattractive hence reducing the desire of the inmates to interfere. Another revolves around the incapacitation of the offenders (United States.1994). These may include, restrainers, immobilizers, or containers that reduce the will or urge by the offender or incapacitates their ability to undertake an offending action. Another strategy includes the insulation of the offenders’’ targets on derailing the ability or accessibility on the offender's side to commit the offense. In this case, tranquilizers may be afforded to help suppress certain behaviors that are deemed quite aggressive such as the sexual drives that often cause sexual misbehaviors and offense-related courses (Stahl, 2006). Technology prisons against nontechnology prisons It is quite vital necessary to identify the difference between technology prisons and the prisons where there are many interactions between the correctional officers and the inmates are as unimpeachable as the application and the efficacy of the former. This emphasizes on the proper technology and the level in which it is applied.

Personal journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Personal journal - Essay Example My best friend and his dad had also joined us. We all rose up early the morning of the long trip up to the camp site. Mom had made a whopping helping of pancakes and packed our lunches for along the way. My friend and I couldn’t sit still and hurriedly gulped down our breakfast forcing our dads to hurry up as well. Finally we headed out and I remember counting the cars to make the hours go by faster. When we arrived at the site, it was just like how my young mind hand imagined it. The clearing was wide and beautiful surrounded by trees, shrubs, and swaying grass. We had immediately set up the tents and started collecting logs for the campfire before the sun went down. There was a small stream not far away where we planned to do some fishing the next day. It was the perfect spot for the perfect weekend. That day we just rested and lay by the water, dipping our feet lazily, staring up at the darkening sky. The stars I remember seemed super bright and closer than usual. We had go ne to sleep early, resting up for the busy two days ahead. The next day we rose bright and early, ready to go hiking and later fishing for our lunch. At night the four of us used to sit around on logs with a flaming, hot camp fire in the middle, holding out our sticks covered in layers of gooey marshmallows. My friend’s dad told the best scary stories.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Government Failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Government Failure - Essay Example Endogenous preferences refer to preferences that are dependent on other factors that actually influence preference. For instance, demand for the latest mobile phones is driven by technological advancements. In this case, technological advancement highly influences demand for latest phones. The fact that circumstances can change preferences justifies public policy. Unaccepted preferences, on the other hand, are those whose impact on other preferences is negative. Education preference, for example, varies across individuals. However, through public policy, unacceptable preferences are regulated on social interest grounds. Utilitarian social welfare function – Preferences and the resultant consequences are evaluated for each and every individual and then summed up. Individual utilities for a given good are aggregated, and therefore, every utility of an individual prior to the good is incorporated. Individual ranking in the market or society is not taken into account. A public policy that results from this choice is likely to depict aspects of loopholes in the observance of individual rights. Minimum allocation choice is not guaranteed. Rawlsian social welfare function – This function is characterized by social equality. This is achieved through presenting maximum benefit to the disadvantaged in the society. Decisions on social institutions depend on people’s individual endowments in society. Where social institutions system is to be established without prior knowledge the endowments, the resultant social welfare function aims at uplifting and benefiting the least advantaged in the society. Public policy under this choice is basically equality-tailored, although wealth creation incentives are likely to be reduced in that process.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How is the UK as a whole doing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How is the UK as a whole doing - Essay Example Similar to this is the money or cash flow for output services, (Maher and Wise, 2005, p.85). The key economic players are administration, business trade, households, and the wider international globe. Their means of interaction with one another is explained as a transaction The national statistics office offers statistics of the economy that measure the economy of the United Kingdom in various ways. For instance, there are complete United Kingdom national and economic accounts that offer an overall economic view. The accounts sequence follows the laid out accounts if the national account systems of 1993, as well as the European Account systems of 1995. Similarly, short-term economic indicators like GDP, Index of Retail Sales, Production Index and Services Index exists. Additionally, there are some statistics offered on Payments Balance and Products and Services Trade. UK economic performance The performance of economy of UK is evaluated based on attainment of goals and targets the ec onomy. The goals may be long-term like effective development and growth of the economy, or temporary like economic stabilization in following abrupt and unpredictable factors mainly known as economic shocks. To evaluate economic performance against the above goals, economists use various economic indicators. These economic indicators estimate variables of economy, which directly or indirectly allow them to determine whether the performance of economy has enhanced or declined. Tracing such economic indicators is crucial to policy makers to allow them determine whether to intervene or if the intervention activities and plans have been successful or not. According to statistics, the first quarter GDP increase was about 0.3 percent – a yearly growth rate of about 1.2 percent, (Helpman, 2008, p.12). This was 0.6 percent increased from the previous years; these growth rates are low than the set target and 3% than the growth witnessed prior to the financial crisis. The IMF asserts t hat the 2009 advanced economies GDP - that entails the United States, Japan and popular economies of Europe – will be about 3.8% higher than in the 2007 and 2008 cycles. Although, the United Kingdom GDP has not recovered its initial 2008 level, extreme slowdowns have been witnessed in various economic sectors that make up lower than 21% output and approximately 10% of employment opportunities – services of finance, construction and gas or oil, (Steil and Victor, Nelson, 2002, p.56). Apart from the sector of finance, the services activities that the key UK economic pillars are improving, this is the reason behind increased and strong employment. The informal sector accounts for approximately a million United Kingdom’s employments in the last three years. Whereas UK does not have extensive manufacturing based that maintained its economy in both 19th and 20th centuries, it has various global and prominent manufactures – in aerospace, high engineering technol ogy and health care sectors. UK care industry attained in global record export level last year. UK manufacturing is still competitive in knowledge deployment, skills, and technology and has a competitive advantage over reduced wage; labor-intensive sectors of manufacturing that have shifted to developing economies. UK has also strong and competitive business sector services

Monday, September 23, 2019

San Francisco The Top Three Stops to Make Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

San Francisco The Top Three Stops to Make - Essay Example The Golden Gate Bridge was the world’s longest suspension bridge, at 1.7 miles (4,200 feet) long, for 27 years following its completion in 1937 with two towers that each stand taller than the Washington Monument. It crosses Golden Gate Strait, which is about 400 feet deep and serves as the gateway to the harbor city. It can be seen from a variety of locations throughout the city. One favorite is from the top of the Marin Headlands, which offers the fun of a hike and some exercise with a tremendous view of the harbor and city. Another favorite is from the top of the Coit Tower, which also affords a glimpse of the famously twisty Lombard Street and Alcatraz. Water tours are offered for just about any time of the day, leaving from the famous San Francisco piers that will take visitors under the bridge and around Alcatraz Island. Alcatraz itself offers a view of the bridge and visitors can also opt to see it by picnicking at Golden Gate Park or by biking, walking or driving over i t.  Alcatraz Island, from which one can get a nice view of the Golden Gate Bridge and that will also be visible from many approaches to the Golden Gate, is the home of the famous Alcatraz Prison, now closed and offered as a tourist attraction. Ferries run to the island every half hour during peak seasons and tours are offered once on the island. The tours will take visitors through the various cell blocks, demonstrating the living conditions of the prisoners there, offering information about various prison escape attempts and touring through Cell Block D, the home of the Birdman and showcasing other interesting pieces of information about the prison and the island on which it stands.  One other location that must be visited before leaving the city is San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Brief Analysis of Music Essay Example for Free

Brief Analysis of Music Essay In Joel and Ethan Coen’s unique take on referencing Homer’s Odyssey in the form of a 1930’s Great Depression comedy-adventure film, â€Å"O Brother, Where Art Thou? †, the most noticeably intelligent attribute was the genius song and music choice that, in more ways than one, dictated scene build-up, characteristic, and transition, thus keeping the theme of the â€Å"old-time,† old-country† atmosphere well intact throughout. The variety of American roots music songs used in the scenes gives cinematic emphasis to the characters’ circumstances and plot situations. Moreover, the assortment highlights the realness of time and setting presentation in telling the story of trio convicts and just where, when, and how their adventure unfolds. Brief Analysis of Music Selection in Joel and Ethan Coen’s â€Å"O Brother, Where Art Thou? † As the film opens with a lengthy line of hard-toiling inmates along the rail-road iron linings, collectively and heavily chanting verses from a rather hauntingly soothing blues tune entitled â€Å"Po Lazarus† (Track 1), the audience is at once audio-visually oriented and introduced into the state of the times, surroundings, over-all atmospherics, and mood of the film. The relative simplicity of life through the rather depressed and trying times is kept through notable scenes. An example of which is when the odd trio of Ulysses Everett McGill, Delmar O’Donnell, and Pete, together with Cousin Wash, all enjoyed an after-meal, quality-entertainment radio offering via Norman Blake’s country classic â€Å"You are My Sunshine† (Track 3). Moreover, the music presented in each of the scenes not only offers musical genre variety of roots country and folk, blues, bluegrass, gospel, and much in between through certain scene transitions, but more importantly highlights the tone of each separate scene in between dialogue, one distinct from the other, effectively and memorably. An example of this was the on-going quarrel of Everett and Pete which was overshadowed by the mass baptismal gathering and singing of a traditional gospel hymn â€Å"Down to the River to Pray† (Track 4), wherein all except Everett opted to clean his spiritual slate. Another was the scene seduction by the sirens, which is musically accompanied with â€Å"Didn’t Leave Nobody but the Baby† (Track 10) by Emmylou Harris, Alison Krauss, and Gillian Welch, and also with Tommy’s would-be hanging in the sound of â€Å"O Death. † All of these scenes are observably different from one another, but the rather musically enchanting versed sung melodies even give the scenes both an emotionally accessible and later-on cinematically nostalgic feature which stays with the viewers even after the film is over. The song selection provides the proper build-up, eventual transition through, and even main story twists which fuel the story’s eventualities. An example of this was when the trio headed to a local radio station in hopes of garnering a means of self-financial aid, they sang â€Å"Man of Constant Sorrow† (Track 7), disguised on the airwaves as the â€Å"Soggy Bottom Boys† accompanied by musically skillful, guitar-equipped Tommy Johnson—who played a particularly important scene role for the film’s story. The song performed was not only quite entertaining, but its definitions also constituted what a traditional American folk song truly is, which gave the scene much credibility and realness in every extent. The music also provides the film with a sense of scene consistency without compromising the story and, as the quality of song recordings are kept to its truest form even more enriching the old-time aspect of the film. As Evan Cater (2009) points out, â€Å"These recordings, which were made without the meddling clarity of digital technology, give the film much of its power and authenticity† (n. p. ). The excellent selection and execution of music and scene inter-play gives the film a characteristic of its own and none like other. References Burnett, D. (2000). Man of Constant Sorrow [D. Tyminski, H. Allen P. Enright]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Cater, E. (2008). O Brother, Where Art Thou?. AllMusic. com. Retrieved January 21, 2009 from http://www. allmusic. com/cg/amg. dll? p=amgsql=10:hifixqu0ldse. Coen, J. (2000). O Brother, Where Art Thou?. California: Touchstone and Universal Pictures. Davs, J. Mitchell, C. (2000). You are My Sunshine [N. Blake]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records Harris, E. , Krauss, A. , and Welch, G. (2000). Didn’t Leave Nobody but the Baby [E. Harris, A. Krauss, G. Welch ]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Lomax, A. (2000). Po Lazarus [J. Carter]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Traditional (2000). Down to the River to Pray [A. Krauss]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Traditional. (2000). O Death [R. Stanley]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Automation of the Tapping Machine

Automation of the Tapping Machine CAREER EPISODE 2 INTRODUCTION CE 2.1 The second career episode is based on an experience that I gained after performing a group project as a student of last semester of Bachelor Degree. The project was title Automation of the Tapping Machine. I completed my Bachelors of Engineering Technologist in Mechatronics from Chisholm Institute, Dandenong, Australia. The project was completed in 13 weeks duration, from March 2016 to May 2016. It was undertaken under Prof. Dr. Tharshan Vaithianathan and Prof. Masoud Goudarzi and was a part of my industrial training at R I Instrument and Gear Co. Pty. Ltd. BACKGROUND CE 2.2 Nature of project   Ã‚   Finding a solution that saves cost and time within production is the biggest responsibility of engineers when manufacturing. Automation is required in all the industry to improve efficiency, maintain consistency and speed, reduce waste, and maintaining quality to compete the global market. There were issues arising in tapping and gear cutting machine which lead to wastage of cost and labor time for the company R I Australia. To provide a multiple tapping device at a time and to eliminate the manual adjustment process of the XY table, I had proposed this project. In my project, I had to accomplish all the business goals and objectives assigned to me within defined budget and time parameter. And to minimize the impact within the affected units to standardized the business operations. CE 2.3 The goal of implementing the tapping machine is that it: Facilitates coordination and information sharing both internal and external to the organizations. Will provide better finished products. Enhances the ability and effectiveness of the team to perform their jobs. Easy use Provides an open, flexible, reliable updated technology. CE 2.4 Objectives The primary objective was to address the issue of production and give a possible solution that rectifies it and helps to improve the efficiency of the production and specially in terms of tapping machine and Saws department and to partially optimize the cost. Basically, the whole project is made up of 2 different objectives which is completed to solve the issue. The idea is to achieve a high degree of accuracy in the process. Also, to learn about how stepper motors are programmed through G-coding along with the Arduino board and g shield. CE 2.5 The chart of organizational structure CE 2.6 Duties I started with studying various solutions that fit my problem statement. I researched and surveyed on automation, gears, latest equipment from FSM SMC Learnt how CNC shield is operated and G code is programmed. Performed online and practical testing on the operating machine. Compared various components before selecting them. Researched on drive mechanism, stepper motors, wheel shafts and pulleys. Prepared various engineering drawing for implementation of my project with the help of engineering tools. Diving and providing time slots to team members. Maintaining balance and peace to avoid conflict among each other. Kept good relations with supervisor. Reporting the development of the project to the lab supervisor and coordinator. PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY CE 2.7 I first observed the current scenario of the work procedure and the machine operation. Based on my notes, I decided to remove the current manual XY table along with the vice and add a new system motorize stage. The new proposed XY table system will be placed on the base plate of the tapping machine and then further connected to the CNC shield for programming. The table is made such that it holds few work pieces at the same time. Once the work piece is kept and placed on the table, a G code program controls the tapping operations that is obtained from the USB device connected to the CNC shield. The XY table is designed in solid works such that it moves in X and Y directions. There are stepper motor drive shafts that are connected and when they rotate it drives the lead screws connected to it and move the stage in X and Y directions. CE 2.8 The below image shows the proposed XY table and its related components. It is designed keeping in mind the future height of XY table together with the vice along with the length of the drill bite. The drill head is kept and positioned such that the distance from the middle of the base plate to end in Y axis is 90mm. the stroke movement of the table in the direction of Y axis from the center position is assumed to be 50mm and in the direction of X axis it is 100mm. The selection procedure of XY table involved range of steps. At the first stage, it was required to take up the measurements of the current set up that was in use. Later stage was designing, which was done to find out various variables that are related to the table. CE 2.9 Based on certain assumptions and from the current scenario, the calculations for the variables was done and considered as shown in the table below. With these values, selection procedure was carried out for various components and its parameters. For my project a drive mechanism was required which rotates the motor to the table and helps the XY table o move, so for this reason I decided to use ball screw drive mechanism which is ideal for my situation because of its high stiffness and ability for short acceleration and declaration. The motor was selected with the help of online software that helps for various calculation. Arduino G shield is used as it is a suitable hardware solution for CNC motion controlled systems. I made use of engineering tools for drawing each solid work piece and component considering the minute details and its precise values to achieve the highest accuracy level. Maximum payload Stroke Precession Speed 7kg XY:200mmx180mm 20 microns max: 25mm/sec CE 2.10 After completing the above XY table, I had to automate the rotation of hand wheel which controls the vertical movement. And the important point for consideration was the depth of the gear cut. So, it was important to track the vertical movement of the axis of the machine and solution for replacing the manual hand wheel with mechanical automated machine. After all the brainstorming process, I decided to use pulley belt mechanism using a steeper motor to replace the current manual hand wheel. By using this, it would provide high speed of production, accuracy, it will be time saving and less labor involvement which would result in safety. CE 2.11 I used CAD software and other engineering software to design the structure of the components that will be made to use based on the requirement and calculations taken up. The components were compared for price and the budget was kept in mind. It was necessary to take precaution in selecting the correct component as it would affect the whole system. The components used are: Stepper motor required to produce torque to turn rotating wheel shaft for gear cutting operations. Small pulley for motor 14mm inner diameter, selected considering the conditions it met. Large pulley for turning wheel shaft 42mm maximum bore diameter Time belt to transfer momentum between both pulley polyurethane cantilena belt was chosen, which had high grade wire and tension with high flank load capacity. Stepper motor driver to manage the running capacity of the stepper motor Rotary encoder it is basically used to detect original position of the shaft. It converts mechanical displacement signals to electrical signals. Arduino board for programming Arduino Uno r3 CE 2.12 After coming to the conclusions and deciding of the components, I plotted an electrical connection diagram that depicted the structural layout of all the electrical connections that were required between the Arduino UNO board, motor, and the power supply to run this mechanism. The Arduino board was connected to the encoded and the motor. From the diagram, the pin number 8-11 of the board are used for controlling the stepper motor. And the pins from 2 to 4 are used for encoder. Programming is done to deliver the reference data to regulate the motor and encoder. With the help of 5V supply that is received by the UNO board, it supplies the power to the encoder also and both are grounded properly so that same reference voltage is provided to the encoder and the power supply. CE 1.13 After completing the hardware work and when the connection was completed. I performed a troubleshooting, to check the functioning of the mechanism is proper. I used many different engineering software to test the system. Luckily, I didnt come across any major issues while implantation of the project. I only had problems in decided the accurate component that would meet the requirements of my project. I also introduced new engineering skills and workshops in my project such as latest equipments from FSM and SMC, HMI systems, G shield for automated dispatch, and automated field reporting software by using interfaces like G-coding, C++, AFR and CAD. CE 1.14 As I was leading the whole project, I was responsible for managing my group mates. I had to regularly keep updates on their progress and maintain one on one relationship to achieve success in my project. I also maintained good relations with my university supervisors and the company engineer under whom I was getting trained. SUMMARY CE 1.15 I accomplished the goals and objectives assigned to me by the company. I presented them a well-planned and working device which would benefit in their production. I applied various engineering knowledge that I learnt from my bachelors degree. I also introduced new techniques and mechanism that was beneficial and appropriate for my problem summary. I learn new software and learned to prepare a budget and function the project in that assigned budget. I cultured myself into the corporate world and adapt corporate behavior and skills. A project thesis and a presentation of my work was submitted on completion of my work.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Unity in Bachs Cantata No.78 Essay -- Music Bach Musician Musical Ess

Unity in Bach's Cantata No.78 According to Rowell, "Musical composition became much longer, and composer were forced to evolve new means of maintaining unity and continuity over long time spans" during the Baroque period. Therefore, the texture of music became very important. When I look at the musical texutre of the Cantata No. 78 by J. S. Bach, I realized that this piece was unified very well within a movement and as a whole piece by many techniques. Some of those techniques were found in the text, and the others were in the music. First of all, the text is well organized in terms of its unity. The piece has seven movements. According to Fuller, "The first and last movements adopt the text of an established mid-seventeenth-century chorale by Johann Rist. The middle movements have new text by an unknown poet who occasionally quotes or paraphrases middle stanzas of the chorale." Moreover, this unknown pot himself repeates some words in the text. Also, those repeated words are often supported by music to emphasize the unity as a whole piece. For example, the word "Ewigkeit (eternity)" is originally in the seventh movement, and it is also sung in the sixth movement. The one in the seventh movement is at the very end of the piece with a fermate on the top of half note (p. 543, m. 16). So the note can be extended as much as it needs to express the word, "eternity." The one in the sixth movement is also a long note (p. 540-541, m. 37-38, 49-51). The word is associated with a whole note, half note and 1/8 note tied into 61/2 beats to express its meaning. Those two sections of the piece with the word, "Ewigkeit," and similar music expression would make a strong connection between the two movement. Other examples which are s... upon the music structure of the last movement. The Cantata No. 78 is a very long piece of music, so the poet and the composer needed to come up with techniques to maintain its unity. For example, there are several repeated words to connect some movements together, repeated ending syllables to provide regularity in the whole piece, variation over the common bass line, and common musical development in the first and the last movement to round up as a whole piece. I believe that the fact of bringing the very basic music structure at the last movement and putting the most developed one in the first movement has very strong impact of unity. Since the music starts from much more developed and broader sense, and it has a direction towards more basic but focused and concentrated sense, it would develop the feeling of returning to home or rounding up to a whole piece.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Three Lonely Outcasts :: Free Essay Writer

Three Lonely Outcasts In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck almost all of the characters are ranch hands and they are solitary wanderers. They live very lonely, solitary lives, drifting from one ranch to another. They don?t make many friends and they don?t make much money. There are three characters on the ranch who are the lonliest of the lonely because they are also outcasts or misfits who don?t fit in with what is considered ?normal? by the other ranch hands. Lennie is an outcast because he is retarded, Crooks is an outcast because he is black, and Curley?s wife is an outcast because she is a woman. These three outcasts look for companionship throughout the novel. First, Lennie is a lonely outcast because he is retarded. One of the reasons he doesn?t fit in with the other ranch hands is because he doesn?t always understand what people are talking about. He doesn?t even always understand George. Lennie admits this when Crooks says to him, ?Sometimes he talks and and you don?t know what the hell he?s talkin? about.? (Steinbeck,77). But Lennie always needs companionship. He is never alone, even if he has a dead mouse or a puppy with him. George would sometimes punish Lenny by not letting him tend to the rabbits on the ranch. And Lennie?s biggest fear is of being abandoned by George: He won?t do it,? Lennie cried. ?George wouldn?t do nothing like that. I been with George a long time. He?ll come back tonight But the doubt was too much for him.? (Steinbeck,78). The second lonely outcast is Curley?s wife. The other ranch hands stay away from her because she is a woman and because she is the wife of the boss? son. Also, even though her husband is very jealous, she is so lonely that she tries to get attention from the ranch hands, which makes Curley even angrier and more jealous. She is like the outcast of the outcasts. One night, when everyone else is away from the ranch, Lennie and Candy are in Crooks? room. Even though it is just the three ?. . . weak ones here? (Steinbeck,84), when Curley?s wife is lonely and wants to join them, they won?t let her: ?Maybe you better go along to your own house now.

Election of Lincoln and Civil War Essay examples -- history

Election of Lincoln and Civil War How did the election of Lincoln to president in 1860 lead to civil war in the United States of America? Essay: In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected as president of the United States of America, the repercussions of which led to civil war. However it was not only Lincoln’s election that led to civil war but also the slavery debate between the northern and southern states and the state of the economy in the United States. Together with the election of Lincoln these caused a split, both politically and ideologically, between the North and South states which manifested into what is now refereed to as the American Civil War. When Lincoln won the 1860 election it was not by a majority vote. As stated by the historian Neville he in fact won less than 40 percent of popular votes. However because the American election system is based on the college votes system (where each state is worth a certain number of points and if a candidate wins the majority of votes in that state he wins all the points for that state, regardless of how much he wins by. To win the entire election a candidate must win the most amount of points) he was able to win the election with a minority of votes. Lincoln won all the states in the north and in the west which, because of their high population, were worth the most points. This election caused the civil war because of what the southern states, the Confederate, perceived Lincoln to be. He was thought to be an abolitionist, meaning a person who wishes to abolish slavery completely. In fact Lincoln only wished to stop the spread of slavery, not to abolish it completely. He had no intention of changing the established social order in the south. Historian J. J. Cosgrove sees Lincoln’s election as the straw that broke the camel’s back. He claims in his book, co-written with J. K. Kreiss, Two Centuries that the civil war can be put down to five causes; slavery; political collapse that eliminated compromise; sectional economic rivalry; Southern nationalism; and the effect of fractional minorities such as abolitionists. This can be summed up as a rift between the north and south states. A rift between the north and the south had been present since the late eighteenth centaury. It began with the industrial revolution, which saw the northern states prosper. The north changed industries from fa... ...eadership of the democrats, believed in popular sovereignty ie the population of a state choosing for itself on the matter of slavery. The other member also aiming to rule the democrats was Breckinbridge, who believed in slavery being permitted in all states. The democrat party split into the northern and southern democrats. Because of the split Lincoln was able to win the election, upon which the southern states succeeded from the union. In conclusion the election of Lincoln as president in 1860 caused a civil war because it was falsely perceived by the south that Lincoln would threaten the state’s constitutional right to slavery. This false idea was due to a rift between the northern and southern states in both an economic and ideological manner. That is the north was based on industry and generally was opposed to slavery. But the South was an agricultural society which ran on slavery and, due to Nat Turner’s Insurrection and John Brown’s stand at Harper’s Ferry, was fearful of the north’s involvement in the governing of states as well as being opposed to this on the basis of state’s rights. The election of Lincoln caused the south to succeed from the union causing civil war.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Capitalism and Freedom Book Review

Warren Bryan 3/5/12 Book Review: Capitalism & Freedom Author: Milton Friedman Milton Friedman’s Capitalism & Freedom is one of the most important books regarding economics of the 20th century. His thoughts laid the groundwork for the emerging modern conservative movement, which was an evolution of the 19th century beliefs surrounding liberalism.Friedman’s major themes of his most famous work consist of the roles of competitive capitalism, as well as the role that government should play in a society â€Å"dedicated to freedom and relying primarily on the market to organize economic activity. † The book touches on a multitude of other economic issues; however, his first two chapters regarding the major themes of the book are most relevant in today’s study of economics. Most of Friedman’s viewpoints I agree with in terms of promoting freedom and its necessity to promoting prosperity and growth.Friedman, however, lacks a certain level of clarity regardi ng the specificity of his definition of â€Å"economic freedom† and the other variants of â€Å"freedom. † Friedman argues that a free market economic policy is by definition part of freedom, or in his words, â€Å"†¦freedom in economic arrangement is itself a component of freedom broadly understood, so economic freedom is an end in itself. † This is one of his prime arguments supporting his claim that free market economic policies are critical for a free society.The implications surrounding this statement are that anyone who is against a free market economic policy is also against the American values of liberty and the liberal tradition, or as Friedman puts it, â€Å"Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself. † What he lacks in his explanation concerning the connection between freedom and economic freedom is his disregard to define the concept of freedom, whether concerning its origins, how it developed, or what it means specifically relative to all the different economic issues it applies to.For example he lists several present day scenarios that violate one’s economic freedom: having to pay 10% of income to social security, not being able to follow an occupation of your own choice without professional licensure, being forbidden to exchange certain items because of quotas that prevent such exchanges, being thrown in jail for setting prices lower than the manufacture specified (fair trade laws), and the farmer who cannot grow the amount he desires because of price supports.Under complete economic freedom, the government should not be able to tell us how or where to spend our money, dispose of our goods, or how we should labor because it’s in violation of our individual freedom, or our entitlement to property and labor, according to Friedman. Surely these are all characteristics of being free, however his explanation is certainly not the end all-be all. It is more rela tive to examine what is exactly entitled to the elements of freedom.A famous example comes from a Supreme Court Justice who said, â€Å"My freedom to move my fist must be limited by the proximity of your chin. † This coincides with John Locke’s paradoxical claim that one must give up certain rights to achieve freedom. An absolute interpretation of â€Å"freedom† is just not plausible because of the endless amounts of extenuating circumstances that would, and should, interfere with ones freedom. The very nature of society and law places these restrictions on absolute freedom because your actions are limited by the protection of another’s entitlements.Friedman acknowledges this impossibility and admits that there is still an important role for the government to make the rules and act as â€Å"umpire† toward them. He concludes on this thought stating, â€Å"What the market does is to reduce greatly the range of issues that must be decided through pol itical means, and thereby minimize the extent to which government need participate directly in the game. † Friedman more narrowly believed the government should intervene with â€Å"indivisible matters. † A problem with this claim regarding indivisible matters is he never clarifies what constitutes an indivisible matter.The example he gives is in relation to national defense, â€Å"I cannot get the amount of national defense I want and you a different amount. With respect to such indivisible matters we can discuss, argue, and vote. But having decided we must conform. † Thus, we shall let the government deal with indivisible matters where we must meet a consensus on basic things such as defense. How do we know that a flat tax, a tax reform mentioned by Friedman, counts as a matter that government should control whereas a tax for social security does not?The criteria must be explained for the difference between the two. Friedman believed that the market allows bett er proportional representation than the democratic process. â€Å"The market allows the voluntary exchange of goods between individuals without coercion. † â€Å"Exchange can therefore bring about co-ordination without coercion†¦no exchange will take place unless both parties do benefit from it. Cooperation is thereby achieved without coercion. † This implies that the free market system gives people what they want instead of what some group thinks they â€Å"ought to want. This is a basis for his belief in laissez-faire. Friedman believed that government intervention enforces conformity. Policies are implemented based on a majority vote, or at best a 2/3rd vote, thus imposing a view from the majority onto the minority. A valid point that Friedman fails to comprehend that government is necessary for exchange even to begin. What he fails to comprehend is that the market only exists by being founded on laws that the government has already defined.The perceived freed om of the market and tolerance of diversity is not the product of free markets, yet the benefit and consequence of agreements that makes the market possible to begin with. The possibility that people can exchange goods in the market place pre-supposed that there are contracts, notions of property, enforcement systems for violations and so on. The most crucial part in regards to what makes freedom possible in the market is directly related to the government, the very thing he believed enforced conformity.I argue that Friedman fails to recognize both types of freedoms, the first being the freedom to participate in the market but not the freedom in regards to the agreement undertaken to participate within the market in the first place, or the rules of the game. An analogy I found clarifies this concept. The analogy compares the games of checkers and chess. Chess has a more complex rule set than checkers does relative to the extent of moves allowable, however most people would probably choose to play chess for this very reason.Thus, a reduction in rules with the government doesn’t necessarily mean we are more economically free, but yet that we choose to â€Å"play† a different game. Surely I agree with Friedman that the more economic freedom the better, but it is ultimately the government’s job for how we settle the â€Å"rules of the game. † As Friedman’s book proves, as well as my arguments against some of his claims, it is very hard to establish a fine line between governments and markets. The degree of freedom will always be in question within a free society.However, there are many different degrees within these free markets and there can be multiple ways to draw the line between government and the market and still be classified as a â€Å"free market. † ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Milton Friedman, Capitalism And Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962, 1982, 2002), 4. [ 2 ]. Milton Friedman, Capitalism And Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962, 1982, 2002), 6 [ 3 ]. Milton Friedman, Capitalism And Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962, 1982, 2002), 9 [ 4 ].Howard Schwartz, â€Å"What Color Tie Do you Vote For? † Jan. 2007, 5 March 2012 [ 5 ]. Milton Friedman, Capitalism And Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962, 1982, 2002), 24 [ 6 ]. Milton Friedman, Capitalism And Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962, 1982, 2002), 33 [ 7 ]. Milton Friedman, Capitalism And Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962, 1982, 2002), 35 [ 8 ]. Milton Friedman, Capitalism And Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962, 1982, 2002), 35

Monday, September 16, 2019

Codes of Ethics Comparative Chart Essay

mplete the following tables to compare several organizations and their guidelines about their responsibilities to their clients, their responsibilities to service providers, their attitudes concerning the duty to warn and the duty to protect, and cultural considerations. Responsibility to Client Organization Responsibility to client National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) Human service professionals respect the integrity and welfare of the client at all times. Each client is treated with respect, acceptance and dignity. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Marriage and family therapists advance the welfare of families and individuals. They respect the rights of those persons seeking their assistance, and make reasonable efforts to ensure that their services are used appropriately. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Social workers’ primary goal is to help people in need and to address social problems. American Psychological Association (APA) They provide only those services and use only those techniques for which they are qualified by education, training, or experience. American Counseling Association (ACA) The primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity and promote the welfare of clients. Responsibility to Provider Organization Responsibility to provider National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) When a conflict arises between fulfilling the responsibility to the employer and the responsibility to the client, human service professionals advise both of the conflict and work conjointly with all involved to manage the conflict. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Marriage and family therapists respect the rights and responsibilities of professional colleagues and participate in activities that advance the goals of the profession. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Social workers should provide services and represent themselves as competent only within the boundaries of their education, training, license, certification, consultation received, supervised experience, or other relevant professional experience. American Psychological Association (APA) Psychologists uphold professional standards of conduct, clarify their professional roles and obligations, accept appropriate responsibility for their behavior, and adapt their methods to the needs of different populations American Counseling Association (ACA) Counselors accept employment only for positions for which they are qualified given their education, training, supervised experience, state and national professional credentials, and appropriate professional experience. Counselors hire for professional counseling positions only individuals who are qualified and competent for those positions. Attitudes Concerning the Duty to Warn and the Duty to Protect Organization Attitudes concerning the duty to warn and the duty to protect National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) If it is suspected that danger or harm may occur to the client or to others as a result of a client’s behavior, the human service professional acts in an appropriate and professional manner to protect the safety of those individuals. This may involve seeking consultation, supervision, and/or breaking the confidentiality of the relationship. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Marriage and family therapists comply with applicable laws regarding the reporting of alleged unethical conduct. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Social workers should have the best interest if their client at all times, and should report any alleged abuse or unethical behavior for the safety of the client. American Psychological Association (APA) Psychologists take reasonable steps to avoid harming their patients or clients, research participants, students, and others with whom they work, and to minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable American Counseling Association (ACA) Counselors act to avoid harming their clients, trainees, and research participants and to minimize or to remedy unavoidable or unanticipated harm. Cultural Considerations Organization Cultural considerations National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) Human service professionals are knowledgeable about the cultures and communities within which they practice. They are aware of multiculturalism in society and its impact on the community as well as individuals within the community. They respect individuals and groups, their cultures and beliefs. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Marriage and family therapists provide professional assistance to persons without  discrimination on the basis of race, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability, gender, health status, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Social workers should obtain education about and seek to understand the nature of social diversity and oppression with respect to race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, and mental or physical disability. American Psychological Association (APA) Psychologists are aware of cultural, individual, and role differences, including those due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status. Psychologists try to eliminate the effect on their work of biases based on those factors, and they do not knowingly participate in or condone unfair discriminatory practices. American Counseling Association (ACA) Counselor educators actively infuse multicultural/diversity competency in their training and supervision practices. They actively train students to gain awareness, knowledge, and skills in the competencies of multicultural practice.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

When I Was a Lad

Throughout my life, a number of events have happened that I have never forgotten. None of these things are particularly important, but each of them have made such an impression on me that I have never been able to get them out of my mind. Each of them have remained seared on my memory. The first occurred when I was about five or six years old, every weekend my family and I would go into town to do the weekly shopping. My sisters and I would each be given a pound with which to buy an ice cream. If we had any change left over, we would go to a nearby sweet shop and buy a small pick ‘n' mix. However, one day, we passed by a bookshop which was filled from floor to ceiling with shelves upon shelves of books and magazines. In the window, was the 1992 Beano Annual which I wanted more than anything in the world. I used to buy the Beano comic every week on the way home from school with the change from my dinner money. I pleaded with my parents to buy me it but they told me that I would have to save up my change from my ice cream every week until I had enough money to buy it myself. My elder sister had also seen a book she liked and so decided to save up her money as well. So every weekend I would purchase a small ice cream instead of a large one so as to receive more change. However, my sister still purchased a large ice cream so she received less change than me. After a month or two of saving, my father took my sister and I back to the bookshop. I was quite confident that I would have a bit of money left over and I was correct, after I had purchased the Beano Annual I had a pound to spare. However, when it came to buying my sisters book she was just under a pound short of purchasing it. I thought that it served her right for being so greedy by purchasing a large ice cream every week. However, she started to cry, right in the middle of the shop. People were turning around and staring at us, so my dad took my pound off me and gave it to my sister! I was outraged! I hadn't had small ice creams all those weeks while she had large ones just so I could give my money to her! I stormed out of the shop and ran away as fast as I could, but my father soon caught up with me and gave me a good telling off before dragging me home. Now that I look back, I don't see why I made such a big deal about it. The next thing that stands out in my mind, happened two or three years later when my family and I went on holiday to Majorca. We stayed in an apartment on the top floor of the building that was directly next to the beach. The sun beamed down on us every day that we were there so we were on the beach most days. The beach was in a secluded bay in Porta Pollenca and the water was a lot warmer than at any British beaches. A couple of days into the holiday, my elder sister and I rented a pedalo. A pedalo is a funny looking rowing boat that is sailed by means of pedals and steered by a sort of joystick. We decided to pedal out into the middle of the bay where there was a small rocky island that would only be able to hold about three people at a squeeze. It took about five minute to reach the tiny island and we decided to get out and sit on it. We sat and looked out back at the beach and talked for what must have been about five minutes. My sister looked at her watch and said that we should be going as our parents would be wondering where we were so we turned around to get back into the pedalo only to find that it had gone! We looked around the bay and saw that it had floated quite a long way away, we were stranded! None of us could swim very well so we couldn't swim out to the pedalo. It was then that a large green crab crawled up onto the rock. My sister is afraid of anything with eight limbs, spiders and crabs alike, so she started to scream at the top of her voice and jump up and down, flailing her arms around. Everybody on shore started to point and stare at us. In the end, someone phoned the lifeguard and they came out and took us back to shore, it was so humiliating! It is memories like these that have shaped me into who I am today. I still have the 1992 Beano Annual up in the attic along with photographs of my holiday to Majorca. But in several years time, when these things are covered in layers of dust and are just about ready to fall apart, the memories that they have given me will live on for eternity in my mind, and when I'm old and senile, I can torture any grandchildren I may have by regailing them with tales of ‘when I was a lad'.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Identify the types of fault that can occur Essay

The computer is completely dead A lot of machines are require you to press a power button on the back may sound bad and not many people try it so if it fails check the cable whether the fuse works you can test a fuse using a multi metre. If it does not work replace all the cable Computer keeps running on scandisk on start- up This usually is a result because the computer was switched off incorrectly it is probable that the installation of windows is damaged. A re installation could be a possible solution. Computer seems to start up normally but nothing appears on the screen Again, as ridiculous as it may sound check the cable; it may not be attached probably. Another obvious solution is to try whether the monitor is switched on. Windows installing errors Windows installer engine could be corrupted, installed incorrectly, or disabled this may cause installation issues. A reinstallation could well fix the issue but from a different source than the original download. Modem cuts off frequently Possible solution, you may have a call waiting on your line you need to  disable it to continue use of the modem Some programs like games don’t work on my computer This could be numerous things one of the most common occurrences is due to the fact game developers only make high end specification games of late. 9 times out of 10 people buy games while having the assumption that they will work on their pc. You should buy only the games that are able to run on your pc. Or you can upgrade your pc so it’s more future prove. Exe errors The quickest and easiest risk free method is by using professional software; The two software applications i recommend are â€Å"Error repair† and † XostspySE† I’ve re-installed windows and my sound/video/modem/printer is not working correctly A possible solution is that the devices may not be set up correctly. Windows does not shut down correctly or it restarts when it should shut down After doing some research i fount out the best solution is to go to â€Å"RUN† and then type in â€Å"MSCONFIG† Then click on â€Å"advanced† and then tick/untick â€Å"Enable fast shutdown† The next stage is to re-start the computer and see if it shuts down. If proved un successful then try the BIOS and disable ACPI. And this should resurrect the issue. Dll error There are numerous ways to fix DLL errors one way is to download a â€Å"DLL Repair tool† and follow these steps download the â€Å"Dll repair tool† click the â€Å"scan† button and then click the â€Å"repair† button to fix any errors. Another solution would be to re-install again. Source technical information to provide advice and guidance for a variety of faults (P4) Practical: Your tutor will create a number of scenarios in which you have to source technical information to provide advice and guidance for a variety of faults. Complete an activity log to show what actions youtook; you might also be observed during this process. Name of user Jonah Rossy Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault Computer seems to start up normally but nothing appears on the screen Diagnosis/Fault found The most usual problem with a computer but when the PC is actually does power on but doest display anything on the monitor. So when you see the lights on the computer case is probably hear fans running from inside, and may even hear sound but nothing shows up on the screen Remedial action taken I have checked the monitor computer cable, and then i have cleared the CMOS, by clearing the BIOS memory on the motherboard will return the bios setting to their factory default level. A bios miss configuration could be why your PC wont start-up all the way. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault The screen comes on ok when booting but unreadable when in windows Diagnosis/Fault found When the computer is booting on the display is unreadable. Remedial action taken Enter the BIOS; on Dell computer start pressing F2 button immediately booting your computer. In the BIOS use the down arrow to scroll to â€Å"Integrated Devices (Legacy Select Options). Press Enter Use down arrow to scroll to â€Å"On board Video Buffer† Press Space Bar once to change from 1MB to 8MB Press â€Å"Esc† to Exit Press â€Å"Esc† to Exit again Make sure that â€Å"Save Changes and Exit† is highlighted Press â€Å"Enter† Illegible Screen Problem Solved. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault A slow PC Diagnosis/Fault found The computer is running very slow Remedial action taken To fix the problem i have defrag the computer and also install and anti-virus, the virus have found lots of Trojans and now is safe. Also I have done all the updates and install a processor speed up. Resources used  : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault Some programs like games don’t work on my computer Diagnosis/Fault found The games don’t work on the computer because of the display. Remedial action taken Multiple displays, especially extended Desktops across different resolutions, can cause problems resulting in performance issues ranging from rare freezes to total failures. Often setting to run in Windowed Mode will get an instance going and depending on your video configuration and drivers/software you’re running getting a full screen instance up could be as simple as a check box option to clone displays in the Video control software Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault Can’t get the pound sign to work other keys come up with the wrong Symbols? Diagnosis/Fault found The pound sign don’t work because the layout of the keyboard is American so it has to be changed in UK version or European Remedial action taken To fix the problem I have used control panel -> regional and language options -> languages -> details first try ‘key settings’ and unclick the boxes to swap between keyboards. And the now you can get the sysmbols Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault Blue screen of death Diagnosis/Fault found A Blue Screen of Death, also called a STOP Error, will appear when an issue is so serious that Windows must stop completely. Remedial action taken I have verified that a minimum amount of free space is available on your Windows partition. Blue Screens of Death and other serious issues, like data corruption, can occur if there’s not enough free space on your  primary partition used for the Windows operating system. So I have to maintain at least 100MB of free space but I regularly see problems with free space that low. I usually advise Windows users to keep at least 15% of a drive’s capacity free at all times. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes I’ve re-installed windows and my sound/video/modem/printer is not working correctly Diagnosis/Fault found The sound, video, modem and printer don’t work Remedial action taken To fix the problem with the sound, video, modem and printer I have installed patches for each one and restart the computer and everything is working perfectly. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Judge the value of different sources of support material (M3) Having completed a number of fault finding activities set up by your tutor, judge the value and validity of different sources of support material to which you referred during the process. Present your findings as a referenced appendix to you fault records. Grading Tips: Make sure that you accessed a number of different  sources for a given fault; don’t just rely on one source.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Greenleaf by Flannery O'Connor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Greenleaf by Flannery O'Connor - Essay Example She is inwardly tormented by a world that is not of her making and outwardly by a wild bull that is eating away at what little peace she has left on earth. The Greenleaf sons were content with their modern dairy operation while Mr. Greenleaf and his wife, "... lived like the lilies of the field, off the fat that she struggled to put into the land". "Greenleaf" is a story of families and faith. . Mrs. May had hired the Greenleafs after her husband passed away and left the dairy farm to her and her two sons. When they were hired, Mr. Greenleaf and his two sons brought along Mrs. Greenleaf and 5 little girls. At this point in their history the families were not remarkably different. Mr. Greenfield's total possessions were little more than a "... pieced-together truck, his wife and five daughters". Mrs. May had inherited little more than that from her husband. Her friends were awestruck that she had gone "...practically penniless and with no experience, out to a rundown farm...". Still, Mrs. May viewed herself as a remarkable woman. The hired help were a necessary annoyance. The sons also grew in different directions. The Greenleaf boys, O.T. and E.T., spent a successful stint in the Army and returned with their new wives to set up a successful dairy business. Tormented by her own sons' failures, Mrs. May attributed E.T.'s and O.T.'s success to government handouts.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

2 page paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

2 page paper - Essay Example Since commencement in 2009 over $1billion has been promised to fund over 50,000 creative projects (Trump). This is overwhelming prove that Kickstarter campaigns are and efficient way of funding creative projects. This essay discusses gives the pros and cons of Kickstarter campaigns are an effective way to finance creative projects. At the start, Kickstarter campaigns were simply viewed as a platform of helping start up theatre companies and artist to raise the amount of money that is sufficient to get their projects up and running. Surprisingly, over time these campaigns have proven to be an effective way of raising money for well- known artists and projects (Cebulski 78). For instance, in 2012, a video game guru, Tim Schafer had aimed at making $400,000 but eventually he made $3.36 million. Additionally, Amanda Palmer, a musician had set a goal to make $100, 000 on a music album but ended up making more than $1 million (Trump). In spite of the immense success enjoyed by the kick starter campaigns in funding creative projects, there have been cases of failure leading to increasing criticism from skeptics. It has been observed that in the long- run, Kickstarter funded programs fail to materialize and get unto trouble. However, this failure can be attributed to the Kickstarter model that takes into account the two examples discussed above (Cebulski 78). Palmer was criticized for asking for help from local musicians after her big break while Schafer stated that his project was headed to exceed its budget. This leads to the conclusion that those that contributed to the Kickstarter projects were fooled. On the other hand, it is important to bear in mind that those that support Kick starter campaigns are not looking to invest or get the greatest value for their money. The logic of the Kickstarter campaigns is understood once an individual understands that the concepts follows the concept of a gift not that

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Computer systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Computer systems - Essay Example Software enables the computer to perform the computing functionalities and performing numerous tasks. Computer software entails system software (the operating system and all utilities that enable computing functionalities), applications software (these are programs that assist the users to perform specific tasks such as word processors, spreadsheets, database management system).Computer systems handle the execution of instruction through selection, iteration and sequencing a set of instructions. They execute binary instructions; hence, any kind of instructions given to the computer must be first converted into binary form (number base 2) before any computing action takes place (Blundell, Khan, Lasebae, and Jabbar, 2007). The advancement of digital technology has enabled the development of complex computing systems in the recent decades to encounter the changing and dynamic needs of the processing and dissemination of information in various organizations. There has been an improvement in the functionality and processing powers of computing machines lately and this has enabled vast quantities of information processing and storage. Computer systems have evolved from the older mainframes, which were bigger in size with low processing speeds, to now personal computers, which are smaller, cheaper, efficient, and easily portable. The tasks performed by the humans have been taken by computer systems that have increased the speed and efficiency of performing various tasks within a short period due to their multitasking nature (computers can perform various tasks at the same time). The operating systems of computers have been designed in a way that allows numerous tasks to be accomplished, and individuals can switch between tasks without waiting for any of the tasks to be completed (Dhotre, 2009). Monitoring The medical field has employed computer-monitoring technology on the functionality of the human body. The human body produces heat because of the metabolic activitie s that take place in the living cells. Modern thermograph machines are used to detect heat changes in the body; they convert such pulses to thermo grams fed into the computers, which are used to give images of the body parts that are unusually hot and cold. The images are used to investigate such defects as arthritis, breast cancer. Medical imaging is a technique that is used by physicians to observe the internal organs and functioning of the body. Imaging enables detection of causes of illness; such techniques include X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and tomography. They send beams of waves into the body and later receive the reflections from the body. Computerized tomography uses extensive scans from different angles and sends to the computer, which arranges the images. Magnetic resonance imaging uses magnets and radio waves to form images. A computer analyzes the radio waves coming from the patient to produce a detailed image. Ultrasound scans pressed against the b ody, relay waves into the body and receive back the waves, sends them to the computer, which processes an image on the screen, is used especially on pregnant mothers to detect the position and the overall development of the baby in the womb. Electrocardiographs are used to record signals originating

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Key Characteriscics for Effective Leadership Essay

Key Characteriscics for Effective Leadership - Essay Example To be effective, a leader must possess certain characteristics that can bring people together and harness the potentials of these people to execute an activity of series of activities successfully. If the leader does not know how to set his or her organization in the right direction, the organization will not be productive and when an organization is not productive, its people will eventually leave (Blanchard et al 2005). A misguided organization may not even survive in a very competitive environment thus, it is very important for a leader to know how to direct its people and stay in the right course. In today’s business environment, every organization needs the right kind of leader to stay alive and productive in a highly competitive environment. Understanding the nature of leadership by identifying the desirable traits of effective leaders is very important. For the purpose of this essay, we will evaluate the different successful leaders in our modern times to identify the characteristics that made them effective leaders in their fields. To go about these tasks, we will take a look at the work of Jack Welch of General Electric Inc, Steve Jobs of Apple Inc and Bill Gates of Microsoft. General Electric Inc is one of the top companies worldwide and its journey towards the top has been the lifework of its former Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Jack Welch. On the other hand, Apple Inc and Microsoft have both revolutionized the world of computers and gadgets in the past decades. In order for a company to move forward and in the right direction, it needs to attract the right kind of leaders to run its affairs. According to Drucker (1967), characteristics of leaders may differ but they always get the right things done and in doing their jobs, these people also utilize their time effectively, organize their tasks according to priorities, focus on the contribution of

Monday, September 9, 2019

First Essay Prompt Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

First Prompt - Essay Example What we see is only our dim reflections on the walls, metaphor for our imperfection and ignorance. There are prisoners in the cave who are chained to the floor in the darkness and unable to move their bodies to see what is happening around them. Under the protection of a parapet there are the puppeteers who display shadows on the walls. The prisoners are disillusioned that this is their reality. The story is told not from the perspective of the prisoners, but rather as a conversation between Socrates and Plato's brother - Glaucon. Plato's idea is that people are governed by the supreme forces of nature and Gods and we are unable to control our destiny and life. Everything is decided upon Gods and they are who captivate us and release us. And because people are under the possession of a higher power, we can not understand. Scharffenberger and Jowett (2004) comment that Plato's work "Republic" is identified mainly with the concept of the good. Plato's philosophy is often written as conversations and dialogues which shows that before reaching some conclusion the readers must be pres ented with all arguments and viewpoints (Scharffenberger and Jowett, 2004). In the "Allegory of the Cave" scene Socrates is the one describing the situation in the cave and he is the one to convey the idea that behind the prisoners puppeteers exist who move objects to resemble the reality. Another important aspect of the story besides our human imperfection and wrong interpretations of reality and goodness is that we often give names to objects to make sense of the world. However, language appears to be the limit of our understanding for the physical objects that surround us, and the invisible remains indecipherable and unreachable for our mind. Our thinking is bound by our imagination and we can think as long as we see and witness existence with our sense. Beyond this, our mind can not grasp other realities. Thus, human knowledge is full of mistakes and too limited. Once the prisoners of the cave are released they face different world - they see the sun, the light, the people around. They realize that these new images are the "truth", the reality. Now prisoners change their perceptions and start to believe that the sun leads their own existence. Scharffenberger and Jowett (2004) remark that this is the climax of the storyline - people regard as good what they are presented with. Then human goodness and knowledge are questionable, since they are not omnipresent and we do not possess them by nature. We have to discover them alone. So goodness and knowledge are controversial, because they depend on individual's reactions and beliefs. And there is no ultimate, supreme notion to unite them for all human beings. Apology is Plato's interpretation of Socrate's speech where they accuse him corrupting the young men of Greece through worshiping gods, which are not recognized by the state. With Apology Socrates defends himself and give reasons for his actions. "The Delphic Quest and the Gadfly are the two poles of Socrates' public self-vindication: the one submissive to the dawning wonder of the complexity of political and moral affair, the other aggressive in the hunt for clarification of this wonder (Newell 98)." Newell (2000) remarks that Socrate's philosophy consists of two dimensions. The holistic - represented by the Delphic Quest in Apology, and the analytical - embodies by the Gadfly. Socrates'