Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Holden Caulfield and Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

Holden Caulfield and Huckleberry Finn Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye wonderfully express the thoughts, and feelings that typically run through the average teenagers mind. In each of these stories, the main character is left searching for his true identity. Huck Finns journey leads him to question the beliefs others have imposed upon him since his youth. While Holden Caulfield is a very confused and depressed person who desperately seeks acceptance, and companionship. Both characters are experiencing life as independent people, each having their own unique qualities, but in general they are both learning that in order to survive and make the right decisions, they need to mature. Holden Caulfield and Huck Finn share many of the same characteristics. For one thing, they both tend to lie a lot. Holden lied to nearly everyone he met, one example of his deception was when he met the mother of Ernest Morrow on the train to New York. He told her how popular, kind, and modest her son was despite how Holden hated him. Huck also lies a lot, but usually he only deceives people to protect himself and Jim. This occurs when he dressed up as a girl to find out what the rumors of Jims whereabouts were. They have many other similar qualities such as not conforming to society. Whether it was by choice or not, Huck and Holden paved their own paths, they tried to figure out what was right and wrong for themselves instead of following what everyone else said. The characters Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield share a special bond. Both boys are the most unlikely of heroes, they lie, deceive, act irresponsibly, yet they get the point across. Also, there is a connection between the companions of each character. Holdens closest friend is his younger sister Phoebe, while Hucks adventure is centered around the slave Jim. Slaves of that period were treated at worst as animals, and at best simple children. Jim and Phoebe were on the same level for they were there for support, and could differentiate right from wrong, but they didnt know enough to fully understand what Huck and Holden were mentally going through. Huck Finn is living the life of an average teenager until he finds himself helping the slave, Jim escape from his master. These actions go against  everything Huck has been taught so far, and is also against the law. Huck is in a tricky predicament where he has to decide whether or not to go through with helping Jim escape or to turn him in. This forces a reflection of his morals and an evaluation of Hucks conscience. In the end, Huck decides to follow his heart by not turning Jim in. This shows great loyalty, and maturity on Hucks part to go against the law by doing what he knew was right. Holden Caulfield was deeply, emotionally scarred from the death of his brother Allie, which obviously affects his decision making skills. He falls into a deep depression where he doesnt seem to care that he failed out of four different schools. Holden lies incessantly yet he says that he hates phonies. He sees all the faults in other people without realizing his own imperfections. By the time he comes to the realization that he isnt as perfect as he would have thought, it is too late and he is institutionalized. Although he was sent to an institution, just before he understood that he could not prevent children from growing up, and that he himself needed to mature. Holdens journey didnt end as idealy as he may have hoped, but at least he finally recognized the need to get over Allies death and move on with his life. Huck was able to figure out for himself as Holden did the need for maturity in society. Huck exhibited an excellent example of selflessness in this story, therefore he successfully overcame one of lifes toughest obstacles. Each character had a personal battle they needed to surmount, and both Holden and Huck triumphed. The two characters also have many differences in their actions and lifestyles. Holden is more restricted in his reactions to certain situations. He is not very sure of himself, nor is he brave. Huck on the other hand, is not afraid to take initiative, like when he ran away from home with Jim. Holden was too afraid to leave, he only thought about going away to New Hampshire, or out West.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Croce :: Design and Technology

Croce Intuition, Expression and Communication BA 3D Design. Benedetto Croce (1866-1952) perhaps the most important philosopher of the twentieth century lived most of his life in Naples born in the Abruzzi hills a elder son of an ancient and wealthy Neapolitan family was for decades Italy’s exemplar of the indispensable link between intellect and conscience, a philosopher, historian, and critic his approach is one usually termed neo-idealist his aesthetic derives principally from earlier idealist G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) and Giambatista Vico (1668-1774). Croce’s possibly best-known work was published in 1902 Philosophy of the spirit which was divided into four parts â€Å"Aesthetic as the Science of Expression and general Linguistics, Logic as the Science of Pure Concept, Philosophy of the Practical, and History: Its Theory and Practice† But my main concern is with Estetica come scienza dell’ espressione e linguistica generale or â€Å"Aesthetic as the Science of Expression and General Linguistics† within his analysis he states that â€Å"â€Å"intuition† is only intuition in as far as it is, in that very act, expression†. In other words he argues that intuition is one and the same as expression what he means by this is all genuine examples of intuition are in fact examples of expression, and all genuine examples of expression are examples of intuition one is a complex of feeling and thought, while the other is the image that derives from it but for Croce they are the interior and exterior views of the same thing. Plausibly, we cannot have an intuition without an equivalent expression; in other terms that is like talking about a piece of art work or sculpture inside us that we are incapable of expressing in form. Although people do talk that way from time to time, of course, but others are entitled to doubt whether the art piece is really there inside the person or not. The reason we may think we have intuitions that we cannot express is that most of our intuitions like our memories are cloudy and vague, when we come to actualize them; we realize this and put the fault down to poor technique or skill. What distinguishes artists from the inartistic and the rest of us that artists’ intuitions have become much clearer than ours and have also become much clearer still in the process of expression within their art work itself. But he does make a distinction between expression and communication the third factor in the artistic process which in itself is quite unimportant. Croce argues that expression does not basically involve communication. A person can have an intuition in their head and it will count as a genuine expression even if they never try to

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Behavior and Leadership Essay

There are many forms of leadership style used among top companies today. Within the given scenario we are given three different leadership styles among three different leaders. Within this scenario we will look at transactional, transformational, and level 5 leadership. We will identify what type of leader each person is, and also how the style of each new leader might affect the performance of the company. Executive A is a â€Å"level 5† leader. A level 5 leader is someone that is focused on the good of the company. They will be very ambitious to make the company a success; however they will not take credit for the success. A level 5 leader points towards the other leaders within the company when they are successful, just as Executive A does. However when the company fails or makes mistakes, he takes full responsibility. These are all traits of a â€Å"level 5† leader. Leader B would be classified as a transactional leader. Leader B feels that effort and accomplishments should be given a reward. Leader B also would be considered a passive manager. Leader B hands out tasks and the full responsibility of that task falls on the person it is given too. Leader B has clear goals established and rules and a chain of command for obtaining these goals. Leader C is a transformational leader. Leader C encourages employees to problem solve issues. Leader C also provides vision and clear goals. Leader C encourages employees to put self-interests aside and do what is better for the company. Leader C is also personal with employees, remembering things like birthdays. This helps motivate the employees by making them feel important no matter what their position is within the company. If Leader B were appointed as CEO of the company when Executive A retires, I believe that the company will still be successful, but not as successful as it was before Executive A retires. Executive A has the leadership qualities that make people want to work and perform to the best of their abilities. Leader B’s leadership style has clear goals and reward systems, but instead of letting people grow, he sets out rules and chain of commands. This may intimidate people to think outside of the box and be more creative. Also Leader B gives reward for accomplishment; this may cause employees to put their own self-interest in front of that of the company. They will work to improve their own careers instead of doing what is best for the company. Leader C has a vision to provide mission and pride within the company. Leader C has high expectations for the company but also encourages the employees to put themselves in a place where their actions are for the company and not self-interest. Leader C’s promotion of self though allows employees to think outside of the box. Leader C’s leadership style shows a charisma that makes people want to work and do the best they can. Also Leader C interacts with employees on a more personal level by remembering birthdays and recognizing accomplishments of individuals. Leaders that bring themselves down to their employee’s personal level create a better work environment that makes people want to perform well for them. This in turn will produce better outcomes for the company in general.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Battle of the Sexes in D.H Lawrences Short Story,...

Battle of the Sexes in D.H Lawrences Short Story, Tickets Please Juvenal probably had D.H Lawrences short story Tickets Please in mind when he said, Revenge is sweeter than life itself, because revenge is exactly what Lawrence focuses on in this story (Quoteland). Lawrence writes about how a few women, after having gone through a similar experience, get together and avenge a common enemy, John Thomas Rayner and have fun doing that, because beating Rayner is their sport. By doing so, Lawrence makes it a game betweenn John Rayner, the man, and the opposite sex, comprised of the women. In fact after a certain point the story ceases to be a game between John Rayner and the women, but rather becomes, according to Paul A.†¦show more content†¦The women in the story abide by Rayners game willingly even after knowing his personality. The fact that most girls are quite comely only adds to Rayners pleasure and makes it easy for him to play with them (Lawrence, 36). The women play their part of the game by quitting their job after their short relati onship with Rayner ends. This makes it easier for Rayner to start all over when a new girl starts working there. Up till now it is merely a game, where Rayner flirts with the women and the women cave in. After a point, Lawrence decides to tilt the game towards the fairer sex, the women. He does this by introducing Annie Stone, a woman whose name reflects her personality. She is courageous and ready to stand up for herself. As he had done with all the women that worked at the station, Rayner charms Annie into loving him and Annie played his game and quickly falls in love with him. This continues until Annie sees Rayner with some other women and decides that it is time that Rayner got a taste of his own medicine. Annie decides that she had had enough of Rayners games and got all of Rayners victims together and makes up a plan to get revenge on from Rayner. By doing so, Annie feels that she is in complete control of the game and she thought had achieved revenge and hence victory. The truth is that the game was far